ChurchArt Team

We love art, are passionate about helping churches create professional-looking communications and are a fun bunch of folks. With an in-tune creative director and a rock-solid team of artists, we will provide the art you’ll want to use, plus templates, puzzles and extras that make your job easier.

Design Tip

Q&A: Which font style belongs where?

By ChurchArt Team | April 11, 2018

Question: I’ve heard about serif and sans serif fonts. Is there a best place to use each style, and why? Answer: The little “hooks” extending from a letter’s main strokes are what distinguish serif fonts from sans serif fonts. “Sans” means without, so sans serif fonts don’t have those little hooks. Because serifs help with readability, serif…

Art Tip

Dare to GO BIG!

By ChurchArt Team | March 11, 2018

When you want to apply some scale or emphasis, don’t be afraid to go a little larger! The examples below use “large scale” on key words to add more emphasis and create a dramatic effect. To enhance these features even more, you can apply appropriate colors.

How To Tip

Learn The Proper Use Of Boxes, Screens And Rule Lines

By ChurchArt Team | February 11, 2018

We all like to box things in, or keep them separate from one another. Boxes, screens and rule lines can add visual balance to a page and help organize it. But used too often, these “dividers” can clutter a page, confuse readers and even form barriers that unintentionally separate copy that belongs together. Below is…