The ChurchArt Online Blog

Color Ideas For Fall

Spruce Up Your Color Palette for Fall

By ChurchArt Team | November 13, 2020

Here are some gorgeous colors to incorporate into your church publications this Fall.

Trunk Or Treat Alternative Ideas For Churches

Try these Trunk or Treat alternatives!

By ChurchArt Team | September 29, 2020

Because 2020 has been so “tricky,” traditional Trunk or Treat events may not be possible this fall.  But if you still want to “treat” your church and community members with a special yet safe celebration, check out these amazing ideas some churches are using! Trunk or Treat alternatives: Below are just a few of the great…

How to Add Drop Shadows to an Image

How to add a drop shadow to an image.

By ChurchArt Team | August 20, 2020

Graphic designers often use drop shadows as a simple visual effect. It gives an image dimension by making the object appear to lift off the surface of the background. A drop shadow is essentially a gray or black (or sometimes color) version of an object’s shape. It’s placed behind the object and its position is…

Free Printable Sermon Notes Templates

FREE Printable Sermon Notes Templates

By ChurchArt Team | August 5, 2020

More often than we care to admit, by the time we’ve finished with Sunday lunch, it’s hard to remember what was said in church. It’s sometimes a struggle to keep focused on the message when so much is on your mind. We all know we should take notes to help us remember — but sometimes…

Social Distancing Sign For Church Building

Church sign ideas for social distancing

By ChurchArt Team | July 21, 2020

As churches make decisions about gathering again in buildings, safety and communication are key. Worshipers need to be informed about protocols and policies, but you can do that in a friendly way with signs and artwork. However, you may be looking for something that is a bit more friendly for your church congregation when it…

Reporting Births And Deaths In Your Church Newsletter

Tips for reporting births and deaths in your newsletters.

By ChurchArt Team | June 17, 2020

A frequent question we get at is “What are some tips for reporting births and deaths in my newsletter?” The main thing is to treat each birth and death as unique. So, if possible, avoid merely listing names and instead, compose a few sentences to make each announcement personal. Tips for Creating Birth and…