The ChurchArt Online Blog

How To Color Match In Microsoft Publisher

Choose colors to match your artwork in Microsoft Publisher

By ChurchArt Team | January 30, 2023

In a previous blog post, we explored how to spruce up your color palette for spring. To make your pages’ color scheme harmonious, use colors that match specific images that you’ve inserted into your publication.   But how can you be sure you’ve got an exact match? With Microsoft Publisher it’s easy to find and use an…

Thank You Church Volunteers

Ideas to Honor Your Church Volunteers 

By ChurchArt Team | December 29, 2022

A church volunteer is a key component of any ministry. From members volunteering their time to prepare meals, teach Sunday school, build ramps, mow the church lawn, assisting in vacation Bible school to organizing church events, members sharing their talents and time help build a strong church community.  As church volunteers can attest, sharing one’s…

Fall Chuch Kickoff Ideas Blog

Kick off fall programming for Sunday school and small groups + a FREE flyer to use

By ChurchArt Team | August 12, 2022

As a new church-education season approaches, it’s time to consider effective ways to launch new classes and studies for people of all ages. With summer winding down and back-to-school season in full swing, schedules are shifting toward autumn. Every September, church pews fill up with more people, and the education wing bursts with energy. So,…

Tips for departing staff members

How to Properly Exit a Staff Member From Your Church

By ChurchArt Team | August 11, 2022

Personnel shifts are common in all types of work settings, yet employee exits can be awkward or uncomfortable. This may be especially true in church settings, which some people consider to be more like families than businesses. Having a process in place will smooth out the path and make the experience less emotional for everyone…

Create Effective Sermon Presentation Slides Hero ImageCreate effective sermon presentation slides

How to Create Effective Sermon Presentation Slides for Your Church 

By ChurchArt Team | June 6, 2022

PowerPoint slides are no longer relegated to boardrooms and classrooms. Thanks to easy-to-use technology and the proliferation of screens, presentation slides have become valuable worship aids in many churches. Pastors and Christian education leaders use PowerPoint slides to display pre-service announcements, hymn lyrics, sermon notes, prayers, portions of the liturgy, communion distribution instructions, Bible study…

VBS Promotion Guide for your church

Creative Tips to Promote VBS in Your Community 

By ChurchArt Team | April 22, 2022

For many churches, vacation Bible school is a highlight of every summer. VBS programs teach and delight children, provide a wide range of fun volunteering opportunities and help create vibrant faith and lasting memories.   VBS also offers huge outreach potential for your church and its neighboring community. Parents and other caregivers seeking wholesome summertime activities…