The ChurchArt Online Blog

How To Tip

How To Avoid “Smooshed” Or Distorted Images

By ChurchArt Team | September 11, 2019

We’ve all faced this classic problem: needing an image to fit in a certain space, but it’s just not the right size. When you’re trying to make an image fit, it’s important to always maintain the aspect ratio; otherwise, the image will look “smooshed” or distorted. Try cropping images One of the easiest ways to…


Church News Bulletin Redesign Case Study

By ChurchArt Team | August 11, 2019

Church Bulletin Redesign scores a “win” for the weekly news bulletin!  A subscriber in Texas asked for new ideas for her church’s weekly bulletin. Because “The Champions Spirit” is packed with information, it basically serves as a mini-newsletter each Sunday. The Nameplate To update the bulletin’s look, our designer first energized the nameplate. With an…

Freezing Or Locking Elements In Place In Microsoft Word Or Microsoft Publisher

Freezing Or Locking Elements In Place

By ChurchArt Team | July 11, 2019

Have you ever had an image “jump” positions after you add or edit text in your document, only to have it move again the next time you edit? Annoying, right? Some programs — such as Word, Publisher and even Photoshop — give you an option to “lock” an element in place. This is especially helpful…

Art Tip

Use Grids And Frames To Showcase Images

By ChurchArt Team | June 11, 2019

Whether you’re showcasing pictures of the youth group, a recent bake sale or highlights from a mission trip, aligning images or using frames can present a more professional look. Although, let’s be honest: Adding any pictures of delicious desserts is sure to grab attention, no matter the layout!

Free Templates For VBS Sign Up

Get Ready for VBS Season with these Free Form Template Download

By ChurchArt Team | May 1, 2019

For many of us, VBS planning is well underway. As you prepare for your Vacation Bible School (VBS), one thing you’ll need is a way to recruit volunteers and register children. Below are some easy to edit VBS forms, free to download! Volunteer Form Template SignUp Genius is an amazing online tool to schedule church volunteers…

Whats That Font Finder

What’s that font?

By ChurchArt Team | March 20, 2019

These days, there’s no need to be stumped by a font’s identity. With all the resources now available, detective work is a snap. At, for example, you can upload a PNG or JPG image for a quick search of 133,000 fonts. Highlight the line of text in question, and the website will find the…