Thinking Of You Postcards

Free Thinking-of-You Postcard Templates

Although we are hopeful that 2021 will be a turning point in many positive ways, many congregations are still unable to meet in buildings, are split between different services to provide ample social distancing or are split between virtual and in-person worship.  

If you’re like us, you’re constantly looking for ways to encourage one another — especially those who might be struggling.  

With that still very much in our hearts and minds, we have created a new set of print-and-go postcards — just in time for spring — to help cheer and inspire one another.  

These “Thinking-of-You” cards are the perfect addition to include in your church mailing rotation. They’re a small way to let every member know they are still thought of often.  

Printing Your Postcards  

These beautiful postcards can be downloaded and printed on card stock paper or on blank postcards that you can purchase from your local office supply store (these are generally perforated). 

Each template is set up with 4 postcards per page. Each postcard is 4.25″ x 5.5″, the perfect size for mailing without an envelope, and they qualify for postcard stamps.

Thinking Of You Postcards Paper Example

Here are some Amazon links to blank postcard sheets that will fit the designs perfectly: 

Or you can always use card stock paper, print and use a paper cutter or scissors to cut out each postcard — especially if you’re only doing a few at a time. 

Writing Your Postcards 

Sometimes the hardest part about sending a postcard isn’t always filling out the name and address, it’s finding something meaningful to say. 

Here are a few prompts to help you get started. 

To a friend who may need some encouragement. 

Thinking of you today and all the smiles you bring me. Can’t wait to hug your neck again! 

Your children’s school or Sunday school teachers.  

Thank you for all the love and care you give my child each day. We appreciate you!  

Your church leaders.  

Thank you for all that you have done, especially during this last year! I have learned so much from your teaching and leadership, and I am thankful to God for your service to our church.  

A new member or visitor at your church.  

We hate that we cannot give you a warm hug to welcome you to our church, but please know that you are thought of often!  

An elderly member or neighbor who is isolated.  

Just a little note to let you know someone was thinking of you today!  

Adding an encouraging Scripture or inspirational quote is also something you can add to the back of any postcard. 

Here are some of our favorite encouraging Bible verses and sayings: 

Do not let your hearts be troubled.
John 14:27 NRSV

Do not grow weary in doing good.
2 Thessalonians 3:13 ESV

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 ESV

Peace be within you.
Psalm 122:8

Do not be anxious about anything … let your requests be made known to God.
Philippians 4:6 ESV

God is light and in him there is no darkness at all.
1 John 1:5 NRSV

No matter what you say, your words will surely bring a smile to someone’s face.  

And don’t forget to sign your name!

Addressing Your Postcards 

Use the allocated lines on the right side on the back of the postcard to fill out your recipient’s address.

Thinking Of You Postcards Addressed

If you don’t know the recipient’s address and don’t want to give away that a postcard is coming, consult your church directory for addresses or send a text to a family member or friend for addresses. 

If you are a church volunteer or church member, you may want to email your church office to see if they can share mailing label templates or can print address labels for you. These can then be easily applied to each postcard.  

Mailing Your Postcards  

If your church doesn’t have a pre-qualified postcard rate, be sure to check out these super adorable Barns Postcard Stamps the Stamp Store released for 2021. 

You can order these stamps on their website and they are delivered to your mailbox (usually within a week or so), without ever having to leave home to go to the post office. 

Using postcard stamps saves you 19¢ per postcard — that’s a lot of pennies! 

Download Free Thinking-of-You Postcards  

No matter how you choose to use these “Thinking-of-You” cards, they are sure to bring a warm and uplifting feeling to the recipient. Below are the links to download the designs in PDF, Word and Publisher file formats.  

Click the links below to download the free templates and print out as many cards as you would like. Don’t forget they are perfect for sharing.

Free Thinking Of You Postcard Template

Thinking of You Cards PDF 
Thinking of You Cards PUB 
Thinking of You Cards DOCX 

If you’re looking for more designs, be sure to check out our  Free Printable Scripture Cards for Spring or start your Free 14-day trial to for unlimited downloads of thousands of Bible-based clipart, illustrations, photos, Scripture cards and more.  

We would love to hear from you.  

Are there other resources that you are searching for that would be of help as you encourage your family, neighbors and fellow church members? Or do you have ideas you have done to communicate with your members that you’d like to share? Drop us a note at  

ChurchArt Team

We love art, are passionate about helping churches create professional-looking communications and are a fun bunch of folks. With an in-tune creative director and a rock-solid team of artists, we will provide the art you’ll want to use, plus templates, puzzles and extras that make your job easier.

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