FREE Printable Sermon Notes Templates
More often than we care to admit, by the time we’ve finished with Sunday lunch, it’s hard to remember what was said in church. It’s sometimes a struggle to keep focused on the message when so much is on your mind. We all know we should take notes to help us remember — but sometimes a blank piece of paper is daunting.
Sermon notes are a simple way to engage with note-taking while listening to a sermon or Bible study! They provide easy to follow prompts to engage your mind (and your creative side) with taking notes.
Below we’ve provided some templates to help you get started. These sermon notes templates are available for instant download and are easy to edit to customize for you or your church!
Choose between two file formats: Microsoft Word and Microsoft Publisher.
Free Adult Sermon Notes Printables
These worship notes for adults are perfect to create your own church journal or print to take notes during sermons or Bible study classes.
Each template has five sections to fill out:
1. Sermon Title & Date
2. Key Verses
3. Worship Songs
4. Notes
5. Prayers
These templates are designed to fit on an 8.5 x 11-inch page so there is plenty of room to write and draw, while also fitting easily in a binder or folder for reference later! They can also be modified to fit any size.
There is also a section to add your church name and address if sending these to your members or placing them in your church bulletin.
Free Sermon Notes Printables for Kids
Do your kids have trouble sitting still during a sermon or remembering what was said? Looking for a way to engage your children when they sit in church or at home during your church’s live stream service, without just keeping them busy to keep them quiet?
These sermon notes are a great way to help kids sit still (and quiet) during services, while truly engaging them in worship.
There are six different sections to fill out:
1. About the Sermon. (Record who’s speaking and the date)
2. Where in the Bible? (Record book, chapter, and verse and who is in the passage)
3. What I Learned / What Happened. (This section helps encourage listening comprehension)
4. What I didn’t Understand. (What didn’t they understand or words they did not know)
5. My Favorite Song.
6. Draw Something!
This template covers a full page so there is plenty of room to write and draw, while also fitting easily in a binder or folder for reference later!
There is also a section to add your church name and address or for a parent to place a memory verse if using these at home.
Looking for more Free printables? Be sure to check out as well our FREE Printable Scripture Cards on our blog!
ChurchArt Team
We love art, are passionate about helping churches create professional-looking communications and are a fun bunch of folks. With an in-tune creative director and a rock-solid team of artists, we will provide the art you’ll want to use, plus templates, puzzles and extras that make your job easier.