What Belongs On A Church Newsletter

What to Include in a Church Newsletter: Content Ideas for Publications 

Church newsletters are vital communication tools that inform, inspire and engage the faith community. For newsletter editors, pastors and church administrators, crafting effective publications requires big-picture planning plus attention to detail.  

But what material belongs in a church newsletter? What content is appropriate and most helpful for readers? And what can you do if you need to fill space? 

Let’s look at how to build a Christian church newsletter that contains vital, vibrant information. Discover how to keep church members in the loop and engaged with their faith — and with their faith community. 

Learn What to Include in a Church Newsletter 

The exact formula for a winning church newsletter varies according to each congregation. But here are helpful guidelines about publication components, whether for a printed newsletter or a digital newsletter. 

Start with a nameplate. On the first page, showcase the church name, newsletter name, date, and volume and issue numbers. Incorporate artwork into the nameplate, adding seasonal elements as desired. Note: Church contact information belongs in a masthead, on a later page. The masthead, which is often boxed, should include a link to the church website so readers can view related posts online. 

Church Newsletter Nameplate Example

Include a table of contents. Put this crucial element of newsletter design on page one or two. Before publication, double-check all page numbers for accuracy. 

Feature eye-catching artwork. Use illustrations, photos (with informative captions), graphs and other visuals to draw in readers. Search the ChurchArt library for images that meet your needs. 

Share spiritual insight and encouragement. Through a church newsletter, staff can minister through columns, Bible verses and brief devotions. A pastor’s column sets a positive tone—and sometimes a theme—for each issue. Place the pastor message near the front, but reserve page one for breaking church news and major announcements. 

Publicize important events. The church newsletter is a key source for event publicity, so make sure announcements are thorough and straightforward. Whether you’re promoting a fellowship event, retreat or community outreach project, provide all necessary details. These include contact information for event organizers plus reminders about registration deadlines or RSVPs. 

Inform readers about schedules and volunteer opportunities. Parishioners turn to church communication for reminders about dates and times. Through church emails and newsletters, you also alert people to volunteer needs within the congregation and community.  

Include a monthly or weekly calendar. In each newsletter issue, provide a calendar of upcoming activities for children’s ministry, youth group, choirs, Bible studies and more. Calendars help readers stay current and involved, boosting participation and service. Also list upcoming sermon topics to help people prepare for worship. Pro Tip: Create a calendar template and then customize it for each issue. Place the calendar in the same area each month so readers know where to find it. 

Church Newsletter Upcoming Event Example

Recap news from church leaders, ministries and committees. Regularly update the congregation about what’s happening among church leadership and decision-makers. Rather than printing minutes from board meetings, ask a church leader to submit a brief recap.  

Spotlight members and their stories. Interesting tidbits about congregants add a personal touch to the church newsletter. These can be longer human-interest articles or shorter snippets about a specific occasion or accomplishment. Showcase new members, profile staff and church leaders, recognize longtime volunteers, congratulate newlyweds and highlight confirmands. That way, worshipers can get to know one another beyond the pews and deepen their connections. (Always seek permission before printing any personal details.) 

List special days and events. In your monthly newsletter or weekly newsletter, provide lists of upcoming birthdays and anniversaries. Also inform readers about births, deaths, baptisms, graduations and weddings within the church body. Be sensitive and obtain consent, when needed. 

Church Newsletter Special Event Example

Share prayer requests and praises. By featuring prayer needs, an effective church bulletin or newsletter encourages readers to support one another in faith. With each prayer request, prioritize privacy. Include names and details only if the church member approves, especially for sensitive topics or personal concerns. For urgent matters, publicize prayer needs via church bulletins. With email newsletters and church websites, place prayer requests behind a secure, password-protected area.  

Offer faith-focused articles. Use portions of the church newsletter to educate people about the Christian faith and your church’s teachings. Also explore topics relevant to living out faith in daily life. Other content ideas include testimonies from members, guidance about spiritual disciplines and commentary on culture or current events.  

Keep readers aware of outreach and missions. People love seeing how their church stays involved in local and global missions. So share updates about ongoing and special projects, mission trips, missionary support and disaster-relief efforts. Providing evangelism tips can inspire congregants to actively fulfill your church’s mission. For example, share ideas for telling other people about Jesus and inviting them to church. 

Provide financial updates. To be transparent yet tactful about offerings and budgets, consult with church office staff, church management or the treasurer. Brainstorm reader-friendly ways to recap giving, emphasize needs and encourage faithful stewardship. Also inform readers how to switch to online giving. 

Additional Content: Other Church Newsletter Ideas 

Still have space to fill? For printed pages or an email newsletter, consider the bonus content ideas below. (And for ready-to-print material, click on the Content tab at ChurchArt.com and search by keyword.) 

  • Activity pages or puzzles for children, youth or seniors 
  • Cartoons, jokes and other humor 
  • Christian education or Sunday school page      
  • Church history articles 
  • Inspirational poems and quotations 
  • Letters from congregants and community members 
  • Library news and book reviews 
  • Local, national, world and denominational news 
  • Members’ address changes 
  • Photo essay of a church event, showing members in action 
  • Relevant non-church-related news, such as special exhibits and new Christian movies 
  • Reminders of church policies and guidelines for church use 
  • Seasonal information, such as the meaning of church holidays 
  • Welcome messages to new members of your church community 
  • Words of thanks 

For Consistency, Use a Church Newsletter Template 

To create reliable and engaging church newsletters, consistency is key. Using a template ensures that each edition flows smoothly and that readers can locate specific sections. Plus, a church newsletter template saves you valuable time and money. 

A well-organized newsletter template should include consistent headers, sections, fonts and colors. Customize the format to best fit your audience, and “seasonalize” the layouts for upcoming holidays.  

Your church software may already include templates for creating a print or church email newsletter. Also take advantage of the free newsletter templates available from ChurchArt Pro. Simply download the file of your choice, modify as needed and then save it to your computer. For each new issue, open the template, add new articles and artwork, and save with a new filename that corresponds to the issue date or number. With a handy template, you can create professional newsletters with minimal time and effort.  

Use all these content ideas and production tips to create attractive church newsletters filled with valuable, relevant material. 

ChurchArt Team

We love art, are passionate about helping churches create professional-looking communications and are a fun bunch of folks. With an in-tune creative director and a rock-solid team of artists, we will provide the art you’ll want to use, plus templates, puzzles and extras that make your job easier.

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