The ChurchArt Online Blog

Attention Getters Blog Hero Image

Attention-Grabbers for Church Newsletters

By ChurchArt Team | March 23, 2022

If you’re in charge of compiling or designing a church newsletter, that means you’re likely on the lookout for new, innovative ways to grab readers’ attention. After all, you have important news, updates and schedules to convey. And you don’t want any material from your newsletters or bulletins to get lost in the shuffle.  These…

How To Create A Prayer List In Your Church Newsletter

How to Create a Prayer List for Church Newsletters

By Newsletter Newsletter Team | March 3, 2022

For a congregation and community, a church newsletter serves several important purposes. Broadly speaking, the newsletter informs, invites and inspires readers. (This is also true of church bulletins, which act as mini weekly newsletters filled with information.) One major aspect of that mission is to unite church members in prayer. Fellow Christians can lift up…

Celebration Of Life In Your Church Newsletter Hero Image

Sharing a Celebration of Life in Your Church Newsletter

By Newsletter Newsletter Team | January 21, 2022

Because congregations are essentially a family, church is an ideal place to observe people’s milestones and major life events. Personalized newsletter announcements accompanied by artwork and photos are a great way to honor a church member and to inform readers. Often the church newsletter has the privilege of sharing joyful occasions. Examples include births, baptisms, graduations, anniversaries and…

Coloring Pages For Sunday School Hero Image

Make Your Own Coloring Pages for Sunday School

By ChurchArt Team | December 1, 2021

When teaching Sunday school, one of our go-to staples to keep in our classrooms is coloring material. Almost every kid can be entertained for a few minutes with a coloring page, even if they end up just folding it or placing stickers on it. Waiting for someone who has texted you saying they are running late? Bring out the coloring pages. Have kids waiting for others to…

Church Email Tips Hero Image

Before You Hit Send: Must-Know Church Email Tips

By ChurchArt Team | October 14, 2021

Email and the internet have revolutionized church communication, allowing the pastor and other church staff instant, affordable access to the congregation. Whether you’re a multisite megachurch or a smaller church with a volunteer communication team, emails and websites are ideal for many tasks related to effective ministry.   Some important uses include:  sharing the church newsletter,  informing congregants about an urgent or…

Quality Church Newsletters On A Budget Hero Image 2

Achieve Quality Results on a Tight Budget

By ChurchArt Team | September 23, 2021

With USPS first-class mail prices on the rise again, church newsletter budgets that are already tiny — or nonexistent — are feeling the strain. Even if your church is pinching pennies, the newsletter still can stand out, thanks to many available low-cost options. Let’s explore money-saving tips for each production step.  CREATION  Tip 1: Find an inexpensive or free program.  Thankfully, you…