Coloring Pages For Sunday School Hero Image

Make Your Own Coloring Pages for Sunday School

When teaching Sunday school, one of our go-to staples to keep in our classrooms is coloring material. Almost every kid can be entertained for a few minutes with a coloring page, even if they end up just folding it or placing stickers on it.

Waiting for someone who has texted you saying they are running late? Bring out the coloring pages. Have kids waiting for others to finish their craft or activity? Hand them a coloring page.

But finding quality Bible coloring pages at an affordable price is one problem we often have. Some coloring books are very inexpensive, but the designs may be lacking, or the Bible verses covered may be limited, and/or copyright restrictions may prevent you from making photocopies of a page to hand out to your class.

That’s why creating your own coloring page may be the perfect solution for you!

Create your own coloring pages using black and white clipart. 

One of the easiest ways to create your own coloring page is to simply insert a piece of black and white clipart into a word processing program, like Microsoft Word or Publisher.

Almost any piece of clipart will work. But, if you’re building a coloring page for younger children, watch for tight spaces in the image that may be frustrating for some kids to try to color those spaces with a crayon.

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Images with small shapes are difficult to color with crayons.

After you insert your graphic into your program, make the image as large as you can yet still fit on the sheet of paper.

At the bottom (or top) of the page, you can add a space for someone to add their name, add a Bible verse, or the lesson title, date, and your church’s name.

If using Google for your art, be sure to search for public domain clipart or Creative Commons clipart. Never use any art with a watermark or attempt to remove watermarks.

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Images with large shapes are easier for young kids to color.
Also, note the watermark.

Be sure to check with your church office if they have a membership to or other church media membership services that provide Bible clipart that you may be able to use.

Create your own Scripture coloring page. 

To make a Scripture coloring page, this can also be done in Microsoft Word or Publisher easily! 

First, choose your verse. Try to keep it short, around 15 words max, to ensure that the words are large enough to color in.  

Next, copy and paste your verse into the Word document. Highlight the text you want to make colorable and select a nice thick font. Once you’ve selected a thicker font, go under your “Font Options” and select Text Fill >> No Fill and Text Outline >> Solid Line. Then click OK. 

Coloring Pages For Sunday School Effects Image

This will create an outline of the Bible verse that kids can color! Be as creative as you like on changing text fonts or using text boxes to rearrange phrases on the page or just leave the text center justified. 

If you’re feeling extra ambitious, add some black and white clipart to your document or a nice fun border.  

Don’t forget to add your verse reference! We recommend including at least the book, chapter and verse, but you may also want to include the Bible translation as well. 

Download these FREE Bible coloring pages for your Sunday school.  

To get you started, here are two of our favorite coloring sheet printables from ChurchArt Pro that you can download for free today! 

Coloring Pages For Sunday School Product Image

Download Peace of God Coloring Page PDF

Coloring Pages For Sunday School Jesus Image

Download Jesus Loves Me Coloring Page PDF

These Bible-based coloring pages will print on a standard 8.5” x 11” sheet of computer paper.  

You can also print on thicker paper, like cardstock, or print smaller to frame them using craft sticks. These make great gifts for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Grandparents’ Day, and even Easter! 

Print as many copies as you need! These are great for your Sunday School class, to hand out before worship services, use in children’s church, incorporate into your homeschool curriculum, or use as rainy- or snowy-day family activities. 

Looking for more coloring book resources?  

If you don’t have time to make your own pages, then check out this list of some of our favorite children and adult coloring books if you’re in a time crunch. 

  • Children’s Bible Signs – COLORING BOOK (Creation-Joseph) from Communication Resources, Inc.  
    Why we love these: These coloring pages illustrate major stories from the Book of Genesis. Even though it’s a bound book, the copyright allows you to make as many copies as you need from the book for your ministry – something most books don’t allow! The pages are small, so they can easily fit into a church bulletin for worship services – who doesn’t love multi-purpose material? 
  • Coloring Pages — The White Lime 
    Why we love these: These are not Bible based, these coloring sheets offer encouragement for any little one or adult and can be instantly downloaded. They are relatively inexpensive for the detail of each coloring page and provide hours of coloring fun (or to color over multiple Sundays).  

No matter what age group you have in your Sunday school or children’s ministry program, these coloring resources are sure to provide hours of creative Bible learning and fun.

ChurchArt Team

We love art, are passionate about helping churches create professional-looking communications and are a fun bunch of folks. With an in-tune creative director and a rock-solid team of artists, we will provide the art you’ll want to use, plus templates, puzzles and extras that make your job easier.

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