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Free Church Certificates to Celebrate Members

We all know it takes many members to work together to help grow, fertilize, and establish a church. While a lot of that work is done by paid staff, churches such as yours rely on the talents, time and passion of volunteers to make it all come together. They may be welcoming new members, teaching Sunday school or small group classes, helping run vacation Bible school or children’s church, or simply volunteering to paint or rebuild church steps. 

Regardless of the task, staff, volunteers and church members of all ages help make the church what it is. 

Certificates are the ideal way to recognize and remember key milestone events for church members, pastors and staff, and to help them feel special, remembered and appreciated.  

But preprinted certificates don’t always offer the perfect design — and you may not need 100 at a time.  

That’s why we’re excited to provide church certificate templates that are easy to customize for your ministry needs. 

Our gift to you: Free Church Certificate templates 

To ease the burden of starting from scratch, we’ve included these free, printable church certificate templates for you to download and begin using today!

Free Printable Baptism Certificate

Click the links below to download the free Certificate of Baptism in PDF and Microsoft file formats. 

Download the PDF file (.pdf) 
Download the Word file (.docx) 

Free Membership Certificates

Click the links below to download the free Certificate of Church Membership in PDF and Microsoft file formats. 

Download the PDF file (.pdf) 
Download the Word file (.docx) 

Free Religious Certificate Of Appreciation

Click the links below to download the free Certificate of Appreciation for Church Volunteer in PDF and Microsoft file formats. 

Download the PDF file (.pdf) 
Download the Word file (.docx) 

These printable religious certificates are blank, so you add your own text to them. Simply open the certificate, fill in the blank fields and print!  

Or print the certificate as-is if you wish to handwrite all of the information on the certificate for a more personalized touch. 

Print on plain paper or purchase certificate paper, parchment or other specialty materials to add even more elegance to the certificates.  

Search our library of Church Certificate templates

Our online library at now features a few certificate templates included in our Pro membership! Simply search the topic Templates – Certificates to begin. 

Sample Church Certificates

All certificates in our online library are provided in Microsoft Word, 8½” x 11″ landscape format, so you can use the design as-is or customize it as desired.  

Just need certificate templates but don’t want to start a membership? 

If you’re looking for just church certificate templates, check out our Essential Church Certificates collections. Thousands of churches have trusted this product to create their certificates to recognize leaders, staff, members and children within their church. 

Free Sample Church Religious Certificates

You’ll find plenty of certificates to fit your Christian ministry needs such as baptismal certificates, baby dedication, ordination, church membership, marriage, confirmation, student promotion, participation, appreciation, recognition and achievement. 

Essential Church Certificates ( 

Essential Church Certificates Volume 2 ( 

Essential Church Certificates – Children’s Edition ( 

Each edition features 50 certificates in PDF and Microsoft Word templates for easy editing. Simply select the certificate you wish, fill in the appropriate information and print!  

And since these certificates are reproducible, you’ll have more opportunities to be spontaneous and celebrate unexpected occasions to recognize your members and children in your church.  

ChurchArt Team

We love art, are passionate about helping churches create professional-looking communications and are a fun bunch of folks. With an in-tune creative director and a rock-solid team of artists, we will provide the art you’ll want to use, plus templates, puzzles and extras that make your job easier.

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