Social Distancing Sign For Church Building

Church sign ideas for social distancing

As churches make decisions about gathering again in buildings, safety and communication are key. Worshipers need to be informed about protocols and policies, but you can do that in a friendly way with signs and artwork.

However, you may be looking for something that is a bit more friendly for your church congregation when it comes to communicating these new safety procedures.

Social distancing sign ideas

If you’re looking for some unique ways to share your church’s new social distancing requirements, here are a few examples to get your creative juices flowing:

  • Leave room for Jesus. Sit 6 feet apart!
  • We can’t wait to hug, but for now, leave plenty of space.
  • There’s a smile under this mask!
  • Walk closely with Jesus, but please maintain distance with others — for now.
  • Air Hug Zone. Thank you for practicing social distancing!
  • Spread Love, Not Germs. Please practice social distancing while in church.

Any of these work on their own or with a corresponding image to catch everyone’s eye.

Be sure you are posting these signs in clear and evident places, such as your church doors, throughout your sanctuary and in your church bulletins or email communications.

FREE Social distancing artwork

Download and use these free images throughout your building, in the sanctuary, and in church communications on social media or online!

LEAVE ROOM FOR JESUS Social Distancing Sign
Download Leave Room For Jesus Clipart
AIR HUG ZONE - Social Distancing Sign
Download Air Hug Zone Clipart
FACE MASK REQUIRED - Social Distancing Sign
Download Face Mask Required Clipart

Download any of the images above by clicking on the link.

Social Distancing Artwork for Churches

If you’re looking for more Church-related social distancing artwork, be sure to check out our complete library at!

We’d love to see your creative signs, as well! Be sure to click on the Contact Us link to submit your designs.

ChurchArt Team

We love art, are passionate about helping churches create professional-looking communications and are a fun bunch of folks. With an in-tune creative director and a rock-solid team of artists, we will provide the art you’ll want to use, plus templates, puzzles and extras that make your job easier.

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