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Attention-Grabbers for Church Newsletters

If you’re in charge of compiling or designing a church newsletter, that means you’re likely on the lookout for new, innovative ways to grab readers’ attention. After all, you have important news, updates and schedules to convey. And you don’t want any material from your newsletters or bulletins to get lost in the shuffle. 

These days, people are bombarded by ads, announcements, posts and social media feeds. So, it’s more important than ever to make sure your material gets seen. That’s where attention grabbers (also known as attention getters) come in handy.  

Although you certainly can attract attention with catchy headlines and sharp photos of church members in action, graphical attention grabbers play their own special role. Read on to learn more about these attention-getting elements—and how to use them most effectively in your church newsletter. 

Attention Grabbers 101 

 Last Chance attention getter clipart for church newsletter

You’ve likely seen attention getters any time you’ve browsed a website, magazine or newsletter. Think arrows, starbursts and other shapes of “callouts” that usually contain just a few keywords.  

Examples include graphical blurbs that read “Sign up here!” or “Date change” or “Continued inside!” 

For maximum impact, an attention grabber uses directional flow to guide readers’ eyes in the desired direction. As a result, it’s vital to use that “flow” to your advantage. Don’t accidentally lead people off a page or spread, because they might get distracted and never return. See the examples below to show incorrect and correct directional flow:

Attention getters clipart pointing away from text
Attention grabbers clipart pointing toward text

Tips for creating effective attention-getters. 

Attention Getters Blog Example

Keep in mind: You can transform almost any clipart image into an attention grabber. How? Simply place it over another image. Then add a border and/or a shadow.  

Round images work well for attention getters because they look like a special sticker or seal. Plus, they’re simple and straightforward. In the example below, note how the red color of the ink adds to the announcement’s significance. 

You can also transform photos into effective attention-getters. Simply add or change the caption to include words of importance or urgency. “New,” “update,” “needed” and “urgent” are examples of attention-grabbing captions you’ll likely use frequently in a church newsletter or e-newsletter. 

Emphasize dates using attention grabbers in your church publications
Church Newsletters and using attention grabber artwork

Tips for using attention getters in church publications. 

Fun attention grabber images help people notice special parts of a publication. Because of that role, it’s important to not overuse these attention-getting devices.  

Use artwork to emphasize dates in your church publications

To get the most bang for your buck, an attention grabber must stand out from other elements. So using just one or two per page (or spread) is ideal. Too many attention getters will create chaos. And that defeats your goal of focusing people’s attention on a particular item! 

Bonus Tip: When possible, print the attention grabber in a second color. That way it’s guaranteed to stand out even more. 

Uses abound for attention getters. 

In addition to the topics already mentioned and shown (deadlines, sign-ups, schedule changes and so on), you’ll discover that attention-getters have loads of other uses in church publications.  

Here are just a few that come to mind. You’ll probably think of many more! 

Clipart images to highlight important announcements like weather alerts in your church newsletter

Weather Alerts and Postponements 

Inclement weather can wreak havoc on the church calendar, often on short notice. So keep several weather-related attention grabbers handy for emails and posts about cancellations and postponements. (Also use attention getters to inform people when a worship service or event moves online or is live-streamed.) 

Urgent Prayer Needs 

Urgent Prayer request clipart image

Church families have the privilege of lifting up one another in prayer. When urgent prayer needs arise, you can inform congregants via attention-getting artwork. Simply include an appropriate clip-art image or photo with information about the prayer request. (As we mentioned in a previous blog, always use discretion and sensitivity with your publication’s prayer lists.) 

Disaster Relief Information 

Attention grabber clipart for natural disasters relief

Natural disasters and tragedies leave people reeling — and spur others into action. Use the wide range of relief-related attention grabbers in our online library as events warrant. You’ll find disaster relief images in the event of hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, wildfires, floods, drought, and more. Use them to accompany announcements about how people can help their neighbors, whether nearby or far away. 

Announce New Newsletter Issue

Grab people’s attention whenever you publish the latest church newsletter! Use a striking visual to let church members know that a new issue is now available. Don’t forget to include a link to the church website, if you post the publication online. 

Call for Volunteers 

Attention getters for volunteers needed

Churches and ministries can always use more volunteers. Include an attention grabber in every appeal, whether it’s for a one-time project or an ongoing task. (Attention getters also work great for appreciating volunteers!) 

New Member Assimilation 

Announcements that feature attention grabbers can help people find their niche within the congregation. Welcoming, positive messages remind new members that they’re part of a special family — and that they have unique talents to contribute.  

Grab readers attention in your church newsletters with encouragement artwork

Spiritual Encouragement 

Don’t overlook this important benefit of attention grabbers! Uplifting images are perfect for supporting fellow members of your faith family. 

As you can see, attention grabbers add great value to any church publication. Browse through that topic in our online library today. Then see how you can grab — and keep — readers’ attention in your next publication! 

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We love art, are passionate about helping churches create professional-looking communications and are a fun bunch of folks. With an in-tune creative director and a rock-solid team of artists, we will provide the art you’ll want to use, plus templates, puzzles and extras that make your job easier.

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